Kids and Summer Jobs!
At our house, we were on vacation for a week and enjoyed the sunshine and LOTS of company. During our vacation adventures, we saw many teenagers toiling away in their summer jobs!
We saw nannies, lawn mowers, lifeguards, door dash delivery drivers, dog walkers, grill delivery kids, golf cart drivers, junk haulers, waiters/waitresses, sail boat lesson instructors, ice cream truck drivers: just to mention a few!
Now if you have a kid that is employed for the summer, we know that you are relieved that they are working. We are happy for you! Here are a few things about this topic we would like to share:
- If you have a kid (or other family member ) that has chosen to be self-employed, beware! We are particularly concerned about the kids that are driving for Uber/Lift , Door Dash or any other type of food delivery service. There are definitely auto insurance EXCLUSIONS for these type of “activities.”
- If you happen to have a young entrepreneur on your hand that started their own enterprise, please also be aware that there is no liability coverage for any business activities for you or any household members.
- If you hire a kid (or other family member) to do a job for you, also beware! Nannies, full-time babysitters, and adult care helpers could all be considered employees; and if you are hiring, you should consider workers compensation insurance for them. If they are injured while working for you, your home insurance would not extend liability protection for any employees.
We know this can be confusing to sort through. That is why Herlihy Group is here to help! If you have a question about any help you hired or any work your kid has secured for the summer, just let us know!
Hope you enjoy the sunshine this week!