Texas Car Pile Up
Accidents do happen and that is why we have insurance, but this accident was massive.
The crazy car pileup in Texas reminds me of the unexpected accidents that weather can cause. For all of
the trucks and cars involved in that tragedy, I wonder did they have the right insurance?
Here are a few things to check on your own car or truck insurance.
If your car was in the middle of that pile, most likely you did have collision coverage but did you also
elect to include rental? Many of you clients have realized the value of this additional coverage. We are
seeing that car repair times are longer than they used to be.
What if you were in the middle of this pile up? You were obviously hit by some other car and if you
were injured you hopefully had included Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists coverage on your own
policy. This under selected option would take care of your medical bills and lost wages if you were
injured by a vehicle that had low limits of insurance.
And finally the last coverages I was thinking about were the actual liability limits of these cars. I have no
idea how they will assign liability in this pile up. Since it was a chain reaction, vehicles were pushed into
one another and assessing liability will be interesting. The one this I do know is that if you had a
Personal Umbrella Policy over your car insurance limits, your life would be less complicated as you
would have excess liability to take care of any law suits from this event.
We are in for some wintery weather this week, so please drive safely! Questions about the coverage
you have selected for your car insurance? Just let us know. We are happy to review your coverage
options with you.