What Do 2 of our Employees and 3 Clients Have In Common This Month?
They are victims of Identity Fraud. As we follow the news stories and hear from more and more
individuals it now feels like not how but when will I be the victim of identity theft.
The fastest-growing white collar crime in the US is now identity fraud. ID fraud is when a person
commits a crime or fraud in your name with your stolen information. You may have elected to include
some Identity Theft Protection on your home insurance policy. So check in with us to learn more about
this additional coverage
In the past month two employees have received unemployment claim info from two different states.
Our employees have not moved and are not unemployed! Someone has stolen their personal info.
A stolen identity can affect your finances and credit history. So we would like to share a few
recommended steps for action if this happens to you!
Flag your credit reports
Contact the fraud department at a major credit reporting agency: ( Experian, Equifax, TransUnion)
Ask them to place a FRAUD alert in your file
Get copies of your credit report:
A copy of your credit report should be available free of charge due to fraud activity
Consider placing a credit freeze on your credit file.
This makes it less likely that a potential thief can open accounts in your name.
File a police report and keep a copy of this.
Keep records of your conversations and correspondence as you work with these entities.
Consider purchasing a Identity Theft Protection Plan ( www.lifelock.com)
We hope that you and your data stays secure!