Black Friday Protection!
It is that time of year again, and as the holidays approach the buying carts are rolling! So many vendors are sending us text messages and emails about their great sale offerings.
My inbox and phone are constantly thinking I need to purchase something!
Be wary of your online offers. Check that your selected vendors are actually the vendors you think!
Maybe it is time to check in on our Personal Cyber offerings. In most cases this can simply be added to your home iinsurance policy for an additional cost starting at only $50- $75 for the year.
Personal cyber insurance protection provides financial reimbursement for the costs associated with the theft of digital information and assets up to your selected policy limit. There are a variety of ways cyber attacks can result in a monetary loss, ranging from the theft of bank account funds, to payments made after extortion through an anonymous online threat.
As technology has become increasingly integrated into our lives, the risks that sensitive personal data could be compromised — including Social Security numbers and bank and credit card information — has continued to rise. There is no question that theft of personal data can have financial consequences. Protect yourself today!
Interested in hearing more about your Personal Cyber Insurance options? We are ready for you!