Fall Time and our Activities
At this point most of my friends and family are out of summer mode and into their various activities. Most of us no longer have time to sit on the beach but are off to driving people places and attending all kinds of meetings and activities.
As you may be gearing up for any “unsummer” things here are a few things to consider.
Volunteering? If you are volunteering as a board member or trustee for a charitable organization, please recognize that trustees could be personally sued for actions or inactions of these organizations. Check that the organization you are working with provides you with Directors and Officers coverage AND check that your personal umbrella includes coverage for your volunteer activities.
Devoting more time to your “hobby”? If your “hobby” produces more than $1500 in one twelve month period this could be a “business” and you should review your hobby with your insurance agent as you might just have created a small business.
Coaching a sports team? Check that your personal umbrella policy is in place and that you know how it would respond to personal liability claims arises from your coaching activities.
Giving out rides or sharing your car? When you are sharing carpooling tasks with others you should be all set. If you are participating in any “ride share” programs such as “Flight Car” in Boston your car insurance policy would EXCLUDE coverage for this use.
At our agency we love to hear what all of our clients are up to! Then we love to figure out that the insurance is “all set”.