Sharing what we hear from Our Clients about the Registry of Motor Vehicles this Fall
At Herlihy insurance Group we do provide our clients with complimentary registry services each day. We know that this service makes the lives of our clients just a bit simpler!
We have great success at the registry obtaining your new plates, transferring your plates, and gathering information for our clients on specific transactions.
During the past two months the Mass Registry of Motor Vehicles has been in the news. From what we can tell as a result of past events the registry is going back through its records and contacting individuals regarding registration and licensing issues.
Please note that if you do get a notice from the registry regarding ANY matter, we recommend that you review the info carefully and check in with them. In our agency we have seen plate revocations, license suspensions and heard about vehicles being towed due to registry instruction.
In some cases the registry has possibly invalid info and in other instances they are following up on older info that you may no longer think is important.
If you have moved and your license and registration have not been updated, please take the time to update your addresses with the registry. You may do this on line at <https://www.mass.gov/how-to/
In closing , please review ANY info from the registry with great care. Hopefully you won’t get any surprise mail!
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